Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's True

Last night, we were just about to drift off to sleep when the bracing, distinctive aroma reached our nostrils and seemed to fill the entire bedroom...

Somebody pooped.

The stink was so strong, I had to get up to make sure somebody hadn't pooped on the floor. Or in the laundry. Or on my pillow.

Nope, it was in the box, covered up even, and still, it was like a large, steaming turd was sitting on the end of the bed. No stink in the hallway, none even by the litter box itself. It had made its way directly from the poop in the box to our bedroom and stayed there, as if looking for a source of heat to preserve its stank.

Alas, I finally had to open the window even more, despite the rain blowing into the house, to let the poop smell drift away off into the stormy night.