Thursday, March 15, 2012

Whiz Cats

(Tthis is the catalog photo, as you can tell by the lack of litter flung
everywhere and the non-peed-in interior. Also, that pan is way too
short - that cat just sprayed the entire insides of that pretty cabinet.)
Last year I got all motivated to do a little home improvement and invested in a "cat washroom" that would hide the litter box inside a nice-looking piece of furniture, instead of having ye olde plastic shit box right there in the bathroom where we get to look at it every day.

The cabinet, which I put together myself with wood glue on the dowels for added stability, even looked like it was part of the bathroom. It also seemed to cut down on the litter flinging, something our idiot cats excel at. So happy was I, having the litter box hidden away but still in a convenient place to keep it clean... And then one day...

A particular fuzzy little a-hole didn't put his rear all the way down into the litter box (a "high-sided" box) and peed over the side, making a cat piss puddle inside the cabinet, which of course seeped through the joint between the floor and the side, onto the litter mat below.

Thankfully I had the foresight to put the damn litter mat underneath the thing, or else we'd have cat piss seeping into the floorboards (since the linoleum adhesive recently decided to quit and you can pick the linoleum tiles up off the floor and wing them through the house like square frisbees.

Now that same fuzzy a-hole keeps doing it and now I have to put another litter box inside the cabinet that has a freaking lid on it so he cannot keep pissing all over the insides of the cabinet.

But first, I get to maneuver the cabinet out of the spot it's wedged in, thoroughly clean it with copious amounts of bleach, wait for it to dry, then put a seal of caulk around the joints, wait for that to dry, and then clean the litter mat so it can be used again without reeking of cat piss.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to add this project to my list of shit to do. It's going to be a latex glove and chemical festival. And maybe when I'm all done I will take a ginormous crap in their brand clean litter box. Give them something to think about.

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